Taking stock of COP28 with a view to the G20 presidency in 2024 and the climate COP in 2025
December 22, 2023
Our Analyst Dr. Sofia Helena Zanella Carra penned this article together with Miriam Garcia, Associate Director of Political Engagement at CDP Latin America. The article explains that COP28, held in Dubai, emphasised diplomacy as a dynamic process across various policy arenas. Positive surprises included resources for the loss and damage fund, but negotiations on mentioning fossil fuels were delicate. The central theme was the adoption of the Global Stocktake (GST), aiming for a 1.5°C temperature increase by 2100 and tripling global renewable energy capacity. Brazilian diplomacy contributed to the GST text, emphasising international cooperation and stimulating ambition in nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Brazil’s G20 presidency aligns with the 1.5°C mission, and its success will strengthen its position for COP30. Addressing climate change requires multifaceted strategies across governance levels.
You can read the article in full (in Portuguese) featured on UMSO Planeta here.