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COP16-Countdown: The role of Finance in the Global Biodiversity Framework

September 23, 2024 - Climate & Company, in partnership with Global Canopy and Swedish Pension Fund AP2, will host a webinar to explore the intersection of finance and biodiversity, using the example of deforestation, a biodiversity issue that has seen significant progress over the last decade. The webinar will focus on accelerating action with existing data and  tools, as well as potential policy interventions.

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Event past

Webinar Recap: The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and its impacts on Brazil: Analysis, perspectives and challenges for the economy

October 31, 2023 - How does the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) impact Brazil? This was the leading question of this webinar that Climate & Company hosted in collaboration with the Sustainable Finance and Investments research group (gFIS: grupo Finanças e Investimentos Sustentáveis) and the Brazilian Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investments (BRASFI). Here, you can find a summary of the event. 

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