September 25, 2024 9:00 am - 1:00 pm CET CDP Office: 127 W 26th Street, New York, NY 10001

New York Climate Week Event Invitation: Trade & Sustainable Value Chains Workshop

September 10, 2024

On behalf of Climate & Company, the Post 2020 – Biodiversity Framework EU Support Project, and CDP, with the support of the SAFE project, part of the Team Europe Initiative on Deforestation-Free Value Chains, we are pleased to invite you to the in-person workshop  

International B2B focused Trade Cooperation for Sustainable Value Chains”
Date: Wednesday September 25th 2024 at 9am-1pm (local time NYC) at Climate Week NYC.
Registrations are now open. 

Let us use the opportunity of Climate Week NYC to carve out the next concrete steps that are needed to build a bridge between trade and climate & biodiversity.  

The workshop will bring together key decision-makers and thought leaders on trade cooperation and sustainable value chains, including policy-makers, high-level business representatives, foundations and civil society. Together, we will discuss how to leverage sector-specific business-to-business focused trade cooperation to reduce emissions and mitigate biodiversity impacts in climate and biodiversity-relevant international value chains. 

Our discussions will focus on two sectors to capture both biodiversity and climate concerns: 

  1. The land-use and food sector with spotlight on deforestation-relevant commodities, e.g. palm oil, beef, soy or other and 
  2. The energy-transition value chain with a particular spotlight on (upstream) mining activities. 

In this workshop, we want to hear from your expertise, experience and views. This workshop format will help us understand the challenges to be addressed, engage in in-depth and solution-oriented discussions, and round up by bringing key insights together and identifying synergies. 

Facilitation and expert inputs by: 

Ingmar Juergens Co-founder and CEO – Climate & Company

Darren McCrate – Senior Manager, Policy Engagement – CDP

Dr. Theresa SpandelSenior Analyst, Sustainability Disclosure – Climate & Company    

Sarah Bloch – Manager, Sustainable Supply Chains – CDP  

Max Tetteroo  – Analyst, Expert on Disclosure – Climate & Company



As part of the G20: Sustainable Finance for Nature and People, and its corresponding series of events, Climate & Company and the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project (funded by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France) are organising a workshop in collaboration with Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) , at Climate Week New York City (NYC). This event also has the support of the SAFE project, part of the Team Europe Initiative on Deforestation Free Value Chains.

Climate Week NYC is a globally recognised annual event that gathers leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to drive forward climate action. This edition of Climate Week NYC, ahead of both UNCBD COP16 and the UNFCCC COP 29, represents an excellent opportunity to promote a joint discussion of next steps to leverage sector-specific business-to-business focused trade cooperation for emission reductions and biodiversity impacts mitigation throughout climate and biodiversity-relevant international value chains.


The overall objective of this workshop is to map out a concrete work plan, bringing on board business in the above-mentioned emission-intensive, nature sensitive and just transition relevant supply chains and with high trade exposure, to achieve global impact.

The specific objective is to promote the exchange of views, experiences, and insights, shifting the discussion to focus on concrete steps for collaborative action on the implementation of compliance-relevant reporting activities and sectoral reporting standard alignment.

The workshop is an invitation to openly exchange expertise, experience and views by all attendees, as this will help to really understand the challenges to be addressed, engage in in-depth and solution-oriented discussions, and round up by bringing key insights together and identifying synergies.
