Climate & Company at I Congresso Germano Brasileiro de Direito

April 13, 2024

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Instituto Silvio Meira (ISM) for hosting our Analyst Paula Pinto Zambrano as a panellist in the I Congresso Germano Brasileiro de Direito in Frankfurt!

We were able to share our work around the Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) and the impacts and opportunities for Brazil under the Regulation. See the summary of the event (in Portuguese) here. A big thank you also goes out to SEBRAE for the gracious invitation, and our warmest congratulations to all other panelists on their outstanding presentations!

At Climate & Company, we’re more convinced than ever that our ongoing efforts to build bridges between Germany, the EU, and Brazilian stakeholders can significantly contribute to fostering cooperation in the development and implementation of EU supply chain Regulations in partner countries, particularly in Brazil. Looking ahead, we’re excited about the prospect of more dialogues, exchanges, and events centered around this critical topic, especially in light of the upcoming COP 30 in Belém do Pará in 2025 and COP 16 in Cali, Colombia, this October.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to further connect with us on this important subject! We’re here and eager to collaborate.