Climate & Company at the SIS-7 Sustainable Investor Summit

May 9, 2024

Our Senior Analyst Dr. Theresa Spandel was recently invited to participate in a panel titled “Trends 2024: The big picture: ESG between growth and uncertainty” at the SIS-7 Sustainable Investor Summit organised by the ICF Institutional Capital Forum in Frankfurt from 7-8 May.

Here’s what Theresa had to say on the topic:
“Yes, the [sustainable] transformation is costly but if we do not invest in the transformation now, the price we will have to pay for our inaction today will far exceed the investments needed today. This applies to governments, societies, investors, and firms. This is why it is time to shift the discussion from “whether” to invest in a sustainable future to pragmatic discussions between different actors on “how” to do it in a feasible and scalable manner today.”

“Yes, there is a feeling of insecurity in the market about the fast-evolving sustainable finance regulatory landscape but the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has the potential to facilitate the implementation of a wider set of sustainable finance instruments, including the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). That’s why we need to make the CSRD work and help strengthen the coherence between different regulatory files and sustainable finance solutions (CSRD, SFDR, CSDDD, EU Taxonomy, Transition Finance).”

We would like to thank the organisers and co-panelists for the opportunity: Mario Weiss – Managing Director at ICF Institutional Capital Forum, Dr. Kevin Schaefers – Head of HVB Sustainable Investment Office, HypoVereinsbank / UniCredit, Arnim Emrich – Head of Treasury for the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Dr. Maximilian Horster – Strategic Head of ISS ESG, and Dr. Ralf Seiz – CEO of Finreon.