Hans Naudts

With over 15 years of experience in economic governance and fiscal policy at international level, Hans is an economic and policy advisor who has recently turned entrepreneur in climate start- and scale-ups and has joined the team as Senior Advisor.

His professional career started at the research department of the National Bank of Belgium. Hans then became economic advisor to Belgian Prime Ministers Van Rompuy and Leterme and Finance Minister Vanackere during the financial crisis. Until recently, Hans was part of the Recovery and Resilience taskforce of the European Commission. Previous positions saw him at the Economic and Finance Committee, the French desk in DG Economics and Finance and the Sustainable Industrial Policy Unit in DG Grow. At the Commission, his responsibilities included the Recovery and Resilience Plan for the Netherlands, the fiscal and macro-economic surveillance of France, the preparation of the ECOFIN and Eurogroup on the Stability and Growth Pact and the European Semester in the Economic and Finance Committee, the design of a more country-specific approach to output gap estimates and the drafting of Eurozone recommendations. He also worked with Ingmar on carbon leakage, sustainable industrial policy and the revision of the eco-design directive.

Hans has been affiliated to the Applied Data Mining Research Group of the University of Antwerp and his current research focuses on using data and text mining techniques to understand inflation dynamics and to identify sustainability risks. His academic research includes publications in the International Journal of Forecasting and the European Economy.