Farewell, Liyana!

August 29, 2023

It’s never the happiest moment when we have to part ways with members of our family. Since 01/08/2021, for two years, Liyana has helped us along our mission towards making sustainable finance work for business and the planet. Her diligent work ethic, her proactive attitude and her friendly nature are all things that we’ll miss. She was involved in a number of projects with us, including:

We’re proud to see the incredible growth Liyana has achieved during her time with us, and that her skills have lead her to explore new international horizons, where we are sure that she will continue on doing what’s right for the planet. Thank you, Liyana, and farewell!

Here’s what Liyana had to say:

I am incredibly grateful for my time with Climate and Company. In the span of just
two years, I have had the opportunity to engage in diverse sustainable finance topics.
These range from integrating biodiversity into financial risk assessment, to advocating
ambitious standards for sustainable corporate reporting, to championing
taxonomy as a pivotal framework to steer finance towards greening the economy.
Beyond that, I could not wish for a better team to work with. They have positively
influenced me with their remarkable work ethic and passion for the mission.
As I embark on my next endeavour, I will surely carry forward the cherished
memories and invaluable lessons from my time at Climate & Company!