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Press Release: Leading EU Sustainable Finance Think Tank slams Council for jeopardizing EU Supply Chain Directive

November 16, 2023 - Council proposal to risk the exclusion of financial institutions from the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) could trigger an avalanche smothering EU ambition to prevent environmental destruction and human rights violations in EU supply chains before Christmas, says leading EU Sustainable Finance Think Tank Climate & Company.

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Event past

Webinar Recap: The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and its impacts on Brazil: Analysis, perspectives and challenges for the economy

October 31, 2023 - How does the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) impact Brazil? This was the leading question of this webinar that Climate & Company hosted in collaboration with the Sustainable Finance and Investments research group (gFIS: grupo Finanças e Investimentos Sustentáveis) and the Brazilian Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investments (BRASFI). Here, you can find a summary of the event. 

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Joint Letter from Academics to the European Commission in relation to the ESRS Public Consultation

July 13, 2023 - A number of leading academics from 12 universities have signed a joint letter to the European Commission explaining why the Draft Delegated Act on the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) falls short of the Commission’s stated goal that the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) “modernises and strengthens the rules concerning the social and environmental information companies have to report”.  Climate & Company helped to draft and coordinate the co-signing of this letter.

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