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Sustainable Finance and value chains in the extended Euro-Mediterranean Region

April 1, 2024 - Redirecting post-pandemic investments towards sustainable finance presents an opportunity to create new, secure, and environmentally friendly job opportunities in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) region. It is important to note that UfM Member States are among the most affected by climate change, yet they lack the necessary climate finance to mitigate and adapt to its impact. This funding gap is particularly pronounced in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean States. In comparison to other parts of the world, these regions receive disproportionately low levels of public and private climate finance. 

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Rural Credit Requirements for Financial Institutions in Brazil

February 20, 2024 - Our latest factsheet gives an overview of the Brazilian rural lending regulatory framework for preventing illegal deforestation, its evolution and key requirements applicable to FIs providing rural credit. It presents the resolutions issued by the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) and the National Monetary Council (CMN), shedding light on current requirements.  It discusses self-regulation by the Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN) and new procedures adopted by the National Development Bank (BNDES) to combat illegal deforestation. 

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Solutions for Mobilising Financial Sources and Enhancing the Financial Framework for Investments on Deforestation-Free Value Chains

February 19, 2024 - GIZ SAFE, the first official EUDR-response programme from the EU Commission and EU Member States, jointly financed by DG INTPA and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Climate & Company join forces in several workstreams relating to deforestation-free supply chains and the successful implementation of the EUDR. Through this partnership, we aim to identify and foster solutions to mobilise financial sources, especially for vulnerable groups, and enhance gender-transformative financial frameworks for investments in deforestation-free supply chains.  

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