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CONFESS – Clean Energy Verification and Validation for SMEs

November 23, 2022 - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face challenges with the administrative burden and complexity of understanding the EU taxonomy. They frequently receive information requests from clients and banks about how their products or activities align with the taxonomy. This can be overwhelming and time-consuming. The CONFESS project aims to solve this problem by creating an easy-to-use data tool.

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Climate and Development Partnership between Peru and Germany

November 7, 2022 - The main objectives of this assignment, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), coordinated by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and carried out by Climate & Company, were to: Analyse the contributions of Germany’s technical and financial development cooperation in the area of climate change in Peru; Identify areas where to improve the impacts of mitigation and adaptation measures through creating new actions, and, where appropriate, to increase the ambition levels of existing measures; and develop recommendations for the future design of the technical and financial development cooperation between Germany and Peru. 

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